Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin... Really?

So I think I might loose some sleep thinking this, but I'm kind of glad Gustov is coming the way of Katrina. What will happen with the RNC? From the looks of it, it will more likely end up a shelter to many refugees from the storm. At least that's one good thing McCain has done. Maybe this storm will be the forecast for how our country will be run in years to come. Barack and John better get those umbrellas out. You're going to be kissing some very wet babies.

And on the McCain note, could he have tried to pull the last remaining Hil Bil fans any more obviously? So choosing a woman is very much understood, but with so little credentials? She has been a Mayor of a town in alaska for 2 years and a governer for less than one. Risky move buddy, let's see how it goes.

Now I have to say as soon as I found out McCain's runningmate I had to find out about the fam, hoping for a lesbian/sex crazed daughter. I was less than excited to find out she has kids ranging from nineteen years to FOUR MONTHS! I was pleasantly suprised to come across pictures of the Palins. Sarah's eldest son Track is going into the military and I wouldn't mind seeing him in uniform. I also found her husband has no degree and no plans on one. Stay at home dad maybe? Well I'm on the fence with this, maybe she has enough experience to know what the fuck she is talking about or maybe she is still new enough to get a real person's perspective into the White house. Only time will tell.

Bradley James

PS. Call me Track!!

1 comment:

R Dubs said...

Yeah - you forgot to mention that Palin, an advocate for abstinence only education, has a daughter knocked up at 17. It's ok though, because she's going to marry the baby-daddy. She's already getting parenting tips from Jamie Lynn-Spears (at least that's what the infallible journalists at US Weekly have told me).

I think when McCain, wallowing in his landslide defeat to "A Change We Can Believe In," looks back on where his campaign went wrong, he may come to this point. The point where he decided to elect a soccer mom in a suit as his running mate.

She does rock a pantsuit better than Hil, I have to say. And who can deny she has luscious locks?