Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just as Promised, Blackie O and the Alien...

The frail alien looking creature claiming to be of my blood embraced me. The smell of death crept into my nostrils as I tried not to gag. As advertised she was disoriented, angry, and scared. Everything was foreign to her, as if seeing it for the first time. An alien, that's what she was. An alien creature who was foreign to me. Blue hair, and a waddle that shook violently every time she uttered a meek sound. The alien was here to stay.


The Democratic National Convention started yesterday with a speech by Michelle Obama. Of course the day wasn't without a tift with Hill Bill. This is Obama's convention, no doubt. But my delegates would want me to walk out behind... Blah Blah Blah. Thunder Cunt just wanted to proceed before Biden. I'd have loved to have seen her enter instead on a giant dog sled, whip in hand, pulled by Bill and Chelsea. Then maybe the Ice Queen would have gotten the vote. Or maybe it was Opera's endorsment. Why so serious?

I missed the entire Michelle speech, but I'm sure it was beautiful. Now that my friends is what a first lady should look like. Dare I call her the black Jackie O. Blackie O, anyone?

I'm just so confused with people's politics nowadays. No one wanted Douchey McGee to win the Democratic vote because of her politics, they wanted her to win because she has a vag of steel. I don't think most of he people voting for Obama are voting for him because he is black(Though if he tried running Republican I'd doubt he'd make it this far)., they are voting for him because he is what America wants. He's what we need.

Well it's time to go, but before I do, What are you're feelings on Barack Obama as President? What about McCain? What would you do? What Would Jesus do, hunt vampires? And what about Blackie O?

Favorite me, pass me along, and comment please.

Bradley James

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