Monday, August 25, 2008

Goals(30 Day Project, Quote of the Week, and Playlist of the Month)...

I've been tossing around the idea to do a 30 days project where I let my friends set me up as well as date on my own, since my dating life has been all but lively. My plan is to explore every aspect of meeting a potential partner; blind dates, online, clubs, GLBT activities in the community, whatever. The final goal of the project will not be finding a soulmate per say, but to reveal the truths and myths of gay dating in a straight persons world. I'll blog about the experience and get feedback from you all, but in order to do it you need to tell EVERYONE to visit my site. It's no fun if 5 people see my journey. So help me get together ideas and as many hits as possible.

Also I'd like to do a funny quote for every week. My friends and I are all pretty witty and I think we can bring a smile to your face, or at least make a sailor blush. Thoughts for this week...
Me - Let's get drunk and take vitamins.
Me - (To Ashley in regards to my sexcapades) If i went down on you now, you'd end up pregnant.

And finally I'd like to let some of you in on some up and coming musicians and maybe some old favorites. Generally I try to make them match my mood and the time of year.

So if anyone has anymore ideas for me please let me know. And don't forget to check up on my blog, comment, and pass on the love.

Bradley James

1 comment:

Rachel Houston said...

I love all the ideas and I'm excited to see the outcome of your new blog spot!! =) You KNOW I'm down for the experiment and everything that comes along with it! GOOD LUCK, and I'll be keeping my eye out for your next hunk-of-a-man!

P.S. I lost touch with your soulmate...but, I guess it all worked out for the best! For if you would've met him, you would've fallen in love and this fun adventure with this experiment would've just been an idea thrown on the side of the road! So, YAY! haha. Update soon! LOVE YOU!