Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Masculinity Digresses...

Within the past few weeks or so I've become aware of certain traits of today's modern man. When I say modern man I'm referring to you liberal thinking, GQ reading, J Crew poster boys of the world. These are often called metrosexuals. This is the dawn of their new age and all of us are innocent bystanders. Calling a man Metro has even become a compliment in our culture. Well dressed and well mannered, great for them, but there are horrific side effects to this lifestyle... feelings.

Yes, in the past two weeks I have seen more men crying over such trivial nonsense it's almost nauseating. I grew up in a family where we were told to share our feelings and try to comfort others. That's understandable in elementary school, but when I reached middle school and first saw my dad cry when my grandfather passed I understood. Crying is reserved for those times when you cannot control a situation. Crying however should not be used to solve problems. Since this I can count on one hand how many times I've cried.

I hate to say this but (judgment free zone!!!), women are criers by nature. I get it! But to see a man cry over some girl not calling back or not having the right size Steve Madden loafer at the store is unacceptable. Lay the bitch out and order your shit online you boat footed freaks. Call me insensitive, but seeing a man cry will kick my Fight versus Flight mode into high gear. I get panicky and my eyes start darting for the nearest exit.

So this is my message to pass along to all of the men in your life, "Feeling are like treasure, they are meant to be buried."

Bradley James


R Dubs said...

Oh god...I hope I'm not the girl being cried over. You still need to debrief me.

I with you about feelings, btw. However, not only should they be buried, I believe in being an emotional black hole. Except if you've been drinking. In instances of extreme inebriation, emotional highs and lows are not only acceptable, they're expected. If I want to get enraged for absolutely no reason and then laugh maniacally only to sob five minutes later, that's my perogative. Just make sure you're about half a bottle of Jack in. My motto? "Friends don't let friends cry sober."

Jason B said...

Love your blog, Bradley. I feel like I walk the fine line here. I get pretty emotional when I'm drunk - especially when the Panthers lose, lol, or if I have a moment of "I love you guyyyyyyss" with my friends.. but I'm pretty good at using hiding my feelings otherwise. In fact, this frequently gets me in trouble.

But the emotional drunk is something I've always been good at playing, thanks especially to Grey Goose vodka.