Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Future Before Your Eyes...

I did it, I made my goal of holding out 'til the third date. That's not happened ever before. I'd say it was amazng, but I've so been there before and expected nothing less. Technically I've surpassed my goal, because we didn't have "sex," we did do everything but. That's actually an interesting question... Do you consider fellatio or cunnilingus "sex," or does actual down under penetration need to occur? I'm a traditionalist, dome isn't sex and therefore can be used as currency without you feeling like a dirty hooker.

Needless to say I spent the night with very little sleep. I barely made it through dinner with my family today. After a few long hours and a very hot shower (That's what she said.) we sat outside and watched the sun come up and talked about where we are and where we want to be. He was very straight forward about wanting to find a guy and settle down, something he's wanted to do since his midteens. That puts alot of pressure on me, but I do hope it works out. I so hope it does, I really do like this guy.

I was invited to a New Years party with all of our old mutual friends. Everyone we knew will be there, again all of whom love me and for the first time in MANY years I have a New Years kiss planned. What does this mean for me? It means at the drop of that ball I'm leaving the troubles of our past and looking to the hope of the future. Superman wants to settle down, and at this point maybe I should be thinking the same way, or at least the perspective of it. Maybe now I can have a New years resolution that I will follow? My resolution this year is to listen to my heart more than ever and know that no matter what happens Iwill be watching out for one thing this year, my future of happiness.


This is a message going out to single people everywhere. Let your guard down and follow your instincts. Fall into a hopeless romance and get hurt, God knows I have. Get hurt but get over it and stand up stronger than ever before. Life is a string of choices, so on't waste time at the crossroads. Take the road less traveled and maybe you can find what you are looking for.

Bradley James

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