Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can You Feel the Change?

First off let me congratulate our next president of the United States, Barack Obama. Also thanks to John McCain who's speech was compelling and captivating. Now on to business!


It's been a week of reflection, looking on the past and seeing the difference between what was and what is. I got to go out to dinner with one of my bestest, B. We knew each other from church a long time ago, and again through mutual friends, and finally worked together to solidify our relationship. Much of my reflecting today is due to her. Ru San's is our place to reminisce and that we did. Of relationships, love interests, and mistakes we wish we could take back. And may I also add that the Starbucks on East is the most fantastic place ever. It has real silver cutlery and a fucking fire place.

I even recieved a peom I wrote a hundred years ago via email. I won't go into the embarassing details of the content, but I will say I(as well as my writing) have grown quite a bit. It got me to thinking if you will continue changing at this rapid pace forever or if it is just a 20 something phase? Do you ever really "become" the person you want to be? All I can think is how happy I am changing into that person, no matter how long it takes. Make the mistakes, make new friends, and get off your ass. Enjoy living life.

Bradley James

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