So I've been waiting for quite a while now to post, but haven't really been inspired. Well this morning the inspiration hit like a pimp hand.
So can I say how pissed I am as far as the project goes. I am getting economically cockblocked. What kind of bullshit is that. There is no gas. At least in the southeast there's not. How am I going to go out and get laid or date if I can't drive there? Cause by God I will not fucking walk.
Well I suppose I can tell you about this new guy. He's like 5'9ish, 160 lbs, dark hair, and baby blue eyes. All in all, fucking cute as hell. So while picking up my double tall soy thing in the coffee line he gave me his number. Fucking sweet, I didn't even need to work for it! We talked for a minute and he wasn't a total tard either. Another plus for him, doing good. Then he tells me his name. Brad. Are you kidding? Do you think this is funny God? We'd be The Brad's or Bsquared. Or worse as I told Helmet, people would think I was talking about myself in the third person. "Brad's so hot!" "Brad looks great naked!" So on my way to work I put his napkin number in my just in case compartment. My glove box.
And on another note, I'm going to A-ville in a month for a high school friend's wedding with Fritas. Here's my issue, I have two places I can stay. One with Johnny Angel and one with Big. So the dilemma is who is the lucky guy? So I've done the pros for both situations(and there are no cons, I'm getting laid!) and decided to post them so maybe I can choose.
JA is constantly in my life, so we know what happens when we get together. He is also closer to the wedding and reception. and lastly with him I'm likely, but not positively going to have a threeway, which I haven't seen since the breakup threeway of '06.
Then there's Big(as in SatC not BIG!, though I'd say above average). Big and I have always had something, but never really acted much on it. We've had relations but never anything to brag about, well maybe once I could brag about. But this time I have FULL confidence that this time is it, and I actually care about this guy. I haven't seen him in three years and we still have inside jokes.
What's a man to do? Follow his heart or his cock? Ah, the age old question. Though I think I've made up my mind, I'm always open to comments. Plus I want you on the edge of your seats as to who I'll choose. Don't loose sleep though.
Bradley James
PS. Karma is a bitch!
1 comment:
I understand your dilemma. But here's the thing. I always follow my "cock." Screw the heart. Because at the end of the day, the person who's attached to your heart is always going to be there, waiting in the wings, like the pussy that they are. Not to completely discredit all the warm and fuzzy feelings that can go along with following your heart. But, at the end of the day, when you follow your heart, there's always buyers remorse.
In the game of rock-paper-scissors that is life, cock trumps heart. Always.
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