Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brad Reflects...

I've been doing the whole relationship thing for like three months now and I'm pretty cool with it. The honeymoon is over and now we've just fallen into pattern. We watch movies together, we read together in bed, we have and hour or so of foreplay/sex, and finally pass out. It's actually kind of nice. Or so I thought.

I guess you can't have your cock and eat it too. I haven't realized it, but some of my friends are starting to see me drift from them. They say I don't call or text as much and it very well may be so. I've even checked my phone as far as texts and calls and low and behold an inbox full of Superman texts and missed calls. At what point does this internal power shift from going out with your friends and staying in with the significant other? I see some of my friends that have dated for a long time and its true, you rarely see dating couples go out unless it's with other couples. It's like the grass is always greener and the ass most consistent, but once you pass the city limits of Couplesville you have to leave all your single friends behind. Is that right or even fair? Is it learned or subconscious?

So here I am with a moral dilemma(which is not an issue when the answer is generally what will profit most for me), do I give up time I could be spending with Superman reading to go out and get hung over? I guess this is hard for me as I've never met a formittable foe to my friends, but he's walking dangerously close. The idea of scheduling Superman versus Friends time makes me start to have convulsions, so I've decided to say fuck it. I'm going to do what the hell I feel like, and right now that is staying in with my boy. If you want me to come out I'd be happy to and you all have my number. Does this mean that he's more important? Not until we have a joint bank account and morgage, but that's the way we're headed. Glad we had that little chat.

Bradley James

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Cinnamon Raisin bread is the shit!

Faceless Facebook?

I apologize to everyone for my blogging hiatus. It's been very uneventful these past few weeks aside from Superman's birthday bash and my great aunt's passing. I wanted my comeback to out do Britney's, but how can I compete with her lip syncing abilities, rivaled only by Ashlee Simpson. I guess I'll have to take second string.

I'm sure all you Facebookers out there have seen the onslaught of the horrible pictures and the people that tag you in them. I've lost quite a few friends recently due to them(Is there a word for these pictures?). I thought I'd do a breakdown of all these characters and tell you what they say about you.

The Good Guy I feel sorry if you get tagged in this one. You may as well set up camp in the friendzone because you are never getting laid by anyone that sees this picture. Untag yourself immediately.

The Long-Distance Friend What can I say here? It doesn't say much about you aside from the fact that there is a state or two buffer between tagger and tagee. You're safe from criticism.

The One With the Cute Baby You may have an adorable baby, yes, but your friend obviously can't find something nicer to tag you in. Or your baby may not be cute, but you're their only friend with a baby. Hmmm.

The Athlete You are obviously not the DUFF(Designated Ugly Fat Friend) of the group. This is a compliment in the mindless Facebook world.

The One Who's Always Smiling And refills their Valium regularly.

The One You Can Depend On Some would call you reliable, and others will call you "husky."

The Flirt Much like superlative, this just means you're a whore. =)

The Work Buddy You are employed and don't touch my stapler. We're tight.

The Pretty Blond One Bottle blond or not, you're smokin', move to Park Place. If you pass Go collect $200, it's on the nightstand.

The Hopeless Romantic Let me guess, your lifelong plan is to get married and be a stay at home Dad/Mom?

The Sarcastic One I can't say anything, cause we're already friends on principle alone.

The Pinky-Swear Friend I'm not sure what this means, but were I a betting man it would involve a bottle of Jose' and a pregnancy test...

The Good Friend Some cultures call this their BFF, either way you are in the clear just steer away from tequila.

The Funny One A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender tells him they don't serve to his kind. The mushroom replies "Come on man, I'm a fun guy."

The Political Guru You mention Dan Quayle's foriegn policy once and all of a sudden you're "that political guru."

Well there you have it broken down, but what does this say about the person tagging you? Well more than likely it says they are bored and want to remind you of your relationship to them and remind you that their birthday is coming up so you will leave a comment on their wall. Later kids!

Bradley James